Pohl - Das Klarinettenspiel, Band 3

Δωρεάν μεταφορικά

14 ημέρες δικαίωμα επιστροφής
The volume is intended both as a performance book and as part 3 of the clarinet method. In it, the tonal space of the high register (cis ,,, to c ,,,, ) is developed. When designing the entire school work, special emphasis was placed on the development of rhythmic skills right from the start. This is continued in Volume 3.
In addition, all important musical terms including intervals and scales are explained. Solo pieces and duets alternate with pieces for one or two clarinets with piano accompaniment or with chord symbols for the guitar. Classical pieces (almost exclusively) with original clarinet parts complement each other with jazzy or stylistically varied compositions by the author to create a challenging performance book for advanced students.
- Vorwort
- Vorschlagnote
- Melancholie
- Sekunde
- Kegelduett (Mozart)
- Terz
- Tiefer Süden
- Triller
- Invention
- Menuett (Bizet)
- Quarte- Ferien
- Zweiunddreißigstelnote
- Erwachen am Moregn
- Die Hebriden (Mendelssohn Bartholdy)
- Szene am Bach (Beethoven)
- Taktwechsel
- Neuer Zwiefacher
- Quinte
- Stimmungswechsel
- Blues-Schema
- Blues-Improvisation
- Unter Palmen
- Doppelkreuz, Doppel-Be
- Allegro con grazia (Tschaikowski)
- Vierteltriole
- 3-4-4-2-Blues
- Praller, Mordent,Doppelschlag
- Ein altes Märchen
- Phrygisch
- Stille Trauer
- Thema (Weber)
- Dämmerung in Kingston
- Sahara
- Quintole
- Allegretto(Brahms)
- Mixolydisch
- Auf dem Balkan
- Swing
- Slow Blues
- Rock and Swing
- Duole
- Sexte
- Chanson
- Vorspiel aus "Göttersdämmerung" (Wagner)
- Glissando
- Sherele
- Chromatische Tonleiter
- Ganztonleiter
- Ungarische Rhapsodie Nr. 2 (Liszt)
- Septole
- Bossa
- Tritonus
- Septime
- Zum Gipfel
- Grifftabellen: Deutsches und Französisches System
Pages: 88
Language: German
Publisher: Barenreiter