Liszt - Piano Works Free Arrangements VII II/7

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Series II of the New Liszt Edition contains Liszt's free arrangements and transcriptions for the piano. Apart from one Beethoven transcription, Volume 7 contains only piano pieces based on works by Schubert. Throughout his life, Liszt respected and admired the art of Schubert, and was partial to arranging his compositions for piano, even when the Austrian composer was hardly known. This volume includes the arrangements made in 1844-46, the majority of which are piano versions of songs, and the three marches closing the volume are based on four-hand works by Schubert. It should be noted that the song Lebe wohl! was misleadingly published under Schubert's name several times, and the composer was in actual fact not Schubert but August Heinrich von Weyrauch. Liszt could not have known this when he composed it, so this too features in the cycle 6 mélodies célebres de François Schubert.
Capriccio alla turca sur des motifs de Beethoven
6 Melodien von Franz Schubert 1. Lebe wohl! - Adieu!
6 Melodien von Franz Schubert 2. Mädchens Klage - Les Plaintes de la Jeune fille
6 Melodien von Franz Schubert 3. Das (Zügen-) Sterbeglöcklein - La Cloche des Agonisants
6 Melodien von Franz Schubert 4. Trockne Blumen - La Fleur Fanée
6 Melodien von Franz Schubert 5. Ungeduld - Toute ma vie (1st version - 1. Fassung)
6 Melodien von Franz Schubert 6. Die Forelle - La Truite (1st version - 1. Fassung)
Müller-Lieder von Franz Schubert 1. Das Wandern - Le meunier voyageur
Müller-Lieder von Franz Schubert 2. Der Müller und der Bach - La voix enchantresse
Müller-Lieder von Franz Schubert 3. Der Jäger - Le chasseur
Müller-Lieder von Franz Schubert 4. Die böse Farbe - Garde moi souvenir
Müller-Lieder von Franz Schubert 5. Wohin? - Au bord de la fontaine
Müller-Lieder von Franz Schubert 6. Ungeduld - Toute ma vie (3rd version - 3. Fassung)
Die Forelle. Lied von F. Schubert.
Franz Schuberts Märsche 1. Trauermarsch - Grande marche funebre de Francois Schubert
Franz Schuberts Märsche 2. Grande Marche de Francois Schubert
Franz Schuberts Märsche 3. Grande Marche caractéristique de Francois Schubert
Pages: 132
Language: English / German
Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest