Martinu - Puppets I - III

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Despite the extraordinary significance attributed to Bohuslav Martinu's 14 short piano pieces entitled Puppets, surprisingly little is known about the exact time and circumstances of their composition. It is however certain that these are the first works by Martinu which transcended his initial attempts at composition and they quickly found a publisher. Thanks to their lasting popularity particularly with young pianists, they were published in numerous editions. The pieces take the characters of Italian commedia dell'arte as their theme; Pierrot, Colombine and Harlequin. Also included are dance and ball scenes, as well as scenes from the "private lives" of the puppets. The three editions of Puppets were composed between 1912 and 1925 in reverse order. The works all differ from one another, beginning with different aesthetic starting points and ending with piano writing which gradually matures. Now the cycle is published for the first time in one volume.
Colombìna tancí / Columbine tanz / Columbine Dances
Nová loutka / Die neue Puppe / The New Puppet
Ostychavá panenka / Das schüchterne Püppchen / The Shy Puppet
Pohádka / Märchen / Fairy-Tale
Tanec loutek / Tanz der Puppen / The Puppets' Dance
Loutkové divadlo / Puppentheater / Puppet Theatre
Harlekyn / Harlekin / Harlequin
Colombina vzpomíná / Colombines Erinnerungen / Colombine Reminisces
Nemocná loutka / Die kranke Puppe / The Sick Puppet
Colombina zpívá / Colombine singt / Colombine sings
Pierrotovo zastaveicko / Pierrots Ständchen / Pierrot's Serenade
Valcík sentimentální loutky / Walzer einer sentimentalen Puppe / Waltz of the Sentimental Puppet
Colombina / Colombine / Colombine
Ples loutek / Puppenball / Puppet's Ball
Ples loutek (autografní verze) / Puppenball (autographe Fassung) / Puppet's Ball (autograph version)